
Spirit woke me up in the middle of the night with a call to launch the #BestDayEverMovement on January 1, 2021. Twenty days later, my family was hit with devastating news. I never stopped living each day as the best day ever. But the lawsuit that followed prevented me from posting about the movement on social media

I needed to know why. Why wake me up in the middle of the night to launch a movement I can no longer lead? What was the purpose of a fertility company contacting me to implant an embryo that never existed? I wanted answers. So I prayed about it. A lot. I scheduled a prayer partner for nearly every day of the week. I set alarms to pray five times a day, inspired by the Muslim tradition. I dedicated full days of silence and meditation.  

All of that prayer led to a flood of clarity of how I’ve been letting my inner shit-talker run my life. I learned to hear Spirit clearly and how to take my power back from my inner shit-talker. I was scared AF as I trusted Spirit to walk me out of a 10-year marriage and into an adventure to Oklahoma City. 

Healing is messy and I couldn’t become a brand new muthafucka overnight. The trauma of this experience is still working its way out of my body. The first time I spoke publicly about it at the  United Life Center for Spiritual Living, I hadn’t planned it. As usual, Spirit was in charge. I steeled myself to make sure I didn’t fall into a puddle of tears in front of all of those people. 

Making peace with my inner shit-talker and trusting my inner wisdom to tell my story has become a central theme in my healing journey. Apparently, the experts agree. The best way to heal is to speak your truth out loud. Last year, the Centers for Spiritual Living annual theme was “Live Out Loud”. I was literally speaking to that theme when I shared this story with the congregation

Spirit created the perfect environment for healing. Shortly after moving to Oklahoma, I met the love of my life. I embraced my identity as a gender non-conforming person, started using they/them pronouns, took my wife’s last name and became Rev. KC Taylor. Once I shared my story from the pulpit, the lawyer called. The fertility company finally came back with the settlement offer I’d been waiting three years to receive. 

It was a reasonable enough offer for the peace of mind to move on. In a battle between money and my peace…peace will win every time. Right now, I’m trying to negotiate the confidentiality clause. I am fighting for my right to share my story and continue my healing journey. I trust that Spirit will continue to direct my choices to co-create each day as the best day ever. 

Obviously, some days are easier than others. That’s true for all of us. But I trust that Spirit is inspiring me to lead this movement for a reason. Just like healing is messy, walking a spiritual path can be dark and terrifying. Thankfully, I’ve been on it long enough to know that the hard parts of my journey are giving me the strength to live the life of my dreams. 

For instance, I enjoyed some DELICIOUS half-price tacos at Oso for lunch today. The weather was gorgeous. I appreciated living in the Paseo Arts District, working from home, waking up without an alarm, wearing my “Black History is Everyone’s History” t-shirt and watching “Fences” to commemorate the first day of Black History Month. I joined Rev. Elisha Christopher’s Synthesis program, a pay-what-you-can space for community, tools, and resources to support me in launching the “Making Peace With Your Inner Shit-Talker Program”. 

I am now COMMITTED to listen to my intuition and trust it to guide me. Speaking about how I am living each day as the best day ever, NO MATTER WHAT, helps me maintain the habit. I was divinely guided to re-ignite the #BestDayEverMovement in 2024. The purpose of this movement is to inspire you to remember to live each day as the best day ever.

To support you, I will post content in the Best Day Ever Movement Facebook Group, post videos on the Spirit Uncensored TikTok channel, and send a monthly newsletter encouraging you to participate. Are you living each day as the best day ever? Would you like to? Sign the pledge! Visit our website to learn more about how to find community and encouragement to live each day as the best day ever!


Living the Best Day Ever Through the Fuckery


Sort Of...The TV series to Heal America?