Spirit Uncensored

Spirit Uncensored was “supposed” to be a monthly event. Before we started, it became clear that we were building a spiritual community. “I wasn’t trying to be a minister,” I said. “I’m a TV executive! I don’t have time to run a spiritual center and lead a spiritual community.”  Spirit Uncensored has proved that ministry is a calling. As much as I “claimed” I didn’t have time, Spirit Uncensored continued to grow. For the last three years, I haven’t taken a salary for my role as spiritual director. I stayed fueled by the feedback from our community. People often say, “This is so needed.”

With all of the fear, division, and anxiety out in the world, Spirit Uncensored serves as a sanctuary for love, unity and connection. It’s been a spiritual playground for people of all faiths to come together to have raw, authentic and UNCENSORED conversations about our personal lives and the world around us. As we grow, it’s become clear that it’s time for me to take a salary. I’m starting small, with a monthly stipend of $250/month. 

Your donations are helping to develop a brave space for people around the world to heal together. We confront challenging conversations about faith, race, sexuality, gender, politics, social issues, religion and spirituality. Because we lead with an intention of love and peace, these qualities shine through the moments of disagreement. 

For Giving Tuesday, consider contributing to an organization that truly teaches love as a religion. Spirit Uncensored creates an opportunity for people of all walks of life to come together and demonstrate that the BEST way to experience peace in the world, is to live our own lives by example. 

We inspire each other and go out in the world, inspiring others around us. Your gift to Spirit Uncensored makes a greater impact than you will probably ever realize. But we are making change together, one moment and one “event” at a time.   


Peace Begins With Me


Multi-Racial Heritage Month