Badass Spiritual Playground

Since Spirit Uncensored was launched in 2018, the phrase I hear most is: “The world needs this.” Many of you know that my ministry was unintentionally created. I’ve been listening to my own inner wisdom and trusting it to guide me in leading this community. Over the years, we’ve had a variety of live and virtual offerings. 

We hosted live daily prayer on Facebook and Instagram through the first year of the pandemic. A weekly virtual series called R.A.C. (Raw. Authentic. Conversation.) centering on the Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL) Global Themes. “Spirit & Spirits”, a monthly event at a local bar in Oklahoma City. Last year, we hosted a monthly virtual series called “New Thoughts On…” for discussions on social and cultural topics through a spiritual lens. 

I didn’t plan to launch a weekly virtual event in 2024 (or two virtual events each week!). I was being present and allowing myself to be divinely guided. It all started with the panel on Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility at the CSL conference in Charleston. My story and ministry were literally spotlighted on stage. The conversation continued in a follow-up virtual event. Less than a month later, Spirit Uncensored hosted a meeting to invite collaborators of all ages to support the next generation of spiritual leaders through NextGEN

With all of that activity, my inbox has been BLOWING up. As I started to set individual Zoom meetings and calls, I realized that all of these people wanted to talk about the same thing. How can we collaborate together to change the world—for good? Of course, everyone had their own ideas, passions, and interests. But the bottom line was the same. All of them reached out to me for connection.

Scheduling the first meeting was the easiest appointment I’ve ever set. Even though this group worked in a variety of different industries, varied in age, and were in different time zones, ALL of them were available for the only time I offered: Tuesday at 5p PT / 6p MT / 7p CT / 8p ET. I reached out to my co-minister, Rev. Audra Nicole, to marvel at how easy this meeting was to set. Through our brief conversation, we agreed on a name for the space. The Badass Spiritual Playground. 

We’ve informally been calling Spirit Uncensored a badass spiritual playground since we started. Sometime last year, Rev. Audra created email signatures for us describing Spirit Uncensored as a “A badass, uncensored, spiritual playground.” When we announced the Badass Spiritual Playground at our last board meeting, several members on the west coast decided to host an additional weekly event at a different time. 

Starting April 10th, Rev. David Allan Cruz and Derek Rubi-Hernandez are facilitating the Badass Spiritual Playground on Wednesdays at 8:30a PT / 9:30a MT / 10:30a CT /11:30a ET. Everyone is welcome to join a hosted conversation on Tuesday evenings and/or Wednesday mornings. This is how we are describing the Badass Spiritual Playground:

A brave, uncensored, virtual playground for spiritual leaders of all ages, gender expressions, sexual orientations, belief systems and experience levels are invited to come play with us! On Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings, we come together to collaborate, support, and inspire each other to change the world–for good. 

Drop in and out to this spiritual playground any way that you choose! Feel free to keep your camera and microphone off and just listen. Or bring your full badass personality to the table and tell us about yourself! Feel free to join us on the go, while you’re cooking dinner, or playing Candy Crush. All expressions and ways of being are welcome!

Because this is a playground, each event is unscripted. You never know what to expect. If the group decides to record them, we will. For now, we won’t. In each monthly #BestDayEverMovement e-blast, we will share a brief summary of the month’s events. Stay tuned!


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